Friday, March 9, 2012

Formating a number on a cell


I have the following problem, i want the number format to appear depending on the language that the IE is on once you are using the reports on the web.

The thing is that my reports have language = default.

Format of the numbers are N0 or ###,###,###

The result is

123,234,456 with pt language ou en-us language, and i would like to be 123.234.456 in pt and 123,234,456 on en.

What am i doing wrong?

Thank you

Sorry all, my mistake in the report language tag instead of "default" it must be used "=User!Language"|||


Be aware that when working with currency fields, you need to watch out when using the user's setting. For example if you store your data in $ and add a currency field to the report, I will see it as € since I have Dutch settings.

To prevent this, you need to set the Language property of the Report. This way, you can force the report to be displayed in the selected Culture.



Geert Verhoeven
Consultant @. Ausy Belgium

My Personal Blog

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