Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Forms security deploy problem and email-subscription


I have changed my Reporting services from Windows Security to Forms Security. When I deploy reports on the local SQL server, a windows pops up. This windows requires my username and password for the report server. After I input them, everything works fine.

However, When I deploy reports to the above server from the different SQL server located on a different computer, the windows always pops up, although I type the same username and same password. Any ideas?

Thanks a lot.Is this a Windows dialog box from IE? If so, have you enabled anonymous access to the ReportServer and Reports virtual directories in the IIS management console?This is one of the pre-requisites for making forms authentication work.


Yes, I have already changed them on the computer where my reporting server is located. In fact, I have succeeded in implementing Forms security locally. Like what I described in my question post, after my inputing username and password, local deploying is fine. But when I deploy from another computer, after my inputer the same username and password, the poped-up windows is still there.

Moreover, I also encountered another problem. When email-subscription works under windows security, but it doesn't work under forms security. The error is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Any ideas about them?

Thanks a lot.|||Urgent. any ideas?|||

Check whether the error comes from the (modified) sample code. For instance the sample implementation of GetUserInfo checks for the existence of the HttpContext and returns null if it's not present.
If you have changed that, it would be possible that it could fail when running the report as part of a subscription.


|||How do you enable anonymous access to the ReportServer? I have an application that references the URL of the report. It is also prompting for credentials. I would really not like to pass the login and password through. Currently we are using one standard user name and password.

Thanks in advance!|||You enable anonymous in the IIS settings. Note, security will effectively be disabled at this point.|||I received a differnent error while using the Forms Extension with SQL REporting Services 2005 when trying to use email subscriptions. The error I received is "

The Forms extension failed to read its configuration settings from the RSReportServer.config configuration file. The extension is not available to users."

Any ideas



Hi ,

I have configured SMTP server and i have done email subscription to particular customer called "tbs".The report generates daily at 9:00pm and report will be sent to customer's email.But,if the report doesnot contain any Records,the report should not be delivered to Customer.

Could you be able to guide me and suggest me .



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