I have one simple Report in SQL Reporting Services.
there are only Three Columns GroupName, Description, Amount.
In this report there is Grouping on GroupName Field.
In Group Footer in want Group Total. i'm writting here like =Sum(Fields!Amount.Value)
Now, while preview of this report I'm exporting the same to Excel File.
While opening that Excel file in Group Footer there is no Formula which i written in .rdl file.
If any one can help me out on this Formula field it will be great.
Thank You.
Unfortunately the Excel export doesn't support this.Formulas are only translated to Excel formulas when they use references to report items instead of fields. For example, instead of "=Fields!Amount.Value" you would use "=ReportItems!AmountTextBox.Value". You can use these to get add two values together on the same row, for instance.
However, you can only use aggregate functions such as SUM on report items when the expression is in the page header or footer. So you won't be able to use, say "=SUM(ReportItems!AmountTextBox.Value" in the table footer.
We are aware that this severely limits the utility of formulas in Excel, and are considering ways to improve it. We do not have a timeframe for this at this time.
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