Friday, March 9, 2012

Formating a number in VB code

Hi, I have another question about code in RS.
I have a table cell with FORMAT of "$#,##0,0".
If I have any number in the cell I want to display it.
If I have 0 (zero) I want the cell to be empty.

I know how to do it with an expression:
iif (Fileds!myFiled.Value == 0,"", Fileds!myFiled.Value)

Now I want to do it with a code section:

The problem is that the function should return Integer and if the value is zero I need to return empty string.

It does't say any thing about returning the string but when it tryingto use the format on a string it give me a worning and print #ERORR inthe cell.

is there a solution for this?
Do you know the syntax to format the number in the function before the return?
(Sorry for the dumb question but I know C# not and there is no intelisance in that editor).

Thanks a lot!


had a similar problem recently.

Try returning "Nothing" (it's a keyword, sth like null), instead of empty string.



I tried that but if I return a number it showen as 0.0 instead of an empty cell :(

Any more ideas?




it works from me. However, I set the value as an expression "Iif(...)" no custom functions defined.

And I've set the "Format" property of that cell to "n2".


Well, its didn't worked for me. maybe it because I'm useing Cutom code function to return the value.

I also trued th N2 format but same resualt.

Thanks for the help!

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