I have this crystal formula
How can this be converted to a reporting services Expression
if {ITEMCODE} in ["A","B"]
then "TypeA"
else if
{ITEMCODE} in ["C","D"]
then "TypeB"
Use this:
=iif((Fields!ITEMCODE.Value = "A" OR Fields!ITEMCODE.Value = "B") ,"TypeA",IIF((Fields!ITEMCODE.Value = "C" OR Fields!ITEMCODE.Value = "D"),"TypeB","TypeC"))
Hope this will work.
Manoj Verma
|||Hi Manoj
Is this the only way.
one of my formulas may have to have upto 100 or's?
Thanks for your help
|||I don't think you may have any other option or if it is there then i'm not able to figure out.
Manoj Verma
|||Thanks for your help Manoj
I will have to group them another way using another table!
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