Monday, March 26, 2012

Formatting T-SQL Performacne Boost?

Hey, I'm using PHP with MSSQL, and I'm not having any performace problems or anything, but at the same time I'm trying to optimise our system to work as best as it can as it's going to have a very heavy load once we launch.

I'm running into the age old problem with the battle between optimizing your code and still keeping it readable. I read somewhere that using whitespace in SQL queries is really bad as it take a lot more bandwidth and puts more stress on SQL Server parsing the SQL it is sent. Right now I have a query like so:-

selQ = 'SELECT
n.pknewsID AS newsID,
n.publish_up AS datePublished,
CONCAT(u.fname," ",u.lname) AS author,
i.loc AS img_file,
i.descr AS img_caption
FROM tblnews n
LEFT JOIN tblusers u
ON n.fkcreated_by = u.pkuserID
LEFT JOIN tblnews_images i
ON i.fknewsID = n.pknewsID
n.pknewsID = '.$articleID.' AND
n.published = 1
$selQ = $DB->setQuery($selQ);

* $DB->setQuery basically is a preg_replace function that
* removes all the tabs in the query string, and replaces them
* with a single space.

echo $selQ;

* Printed out it looks like this :-
* n.pknewsID AS newsID
* n.title
* n.full_text
* n.publish_up AS datePublished
* CONCAT(u.fname," ",u.lname AS author,
* i.loc AS img_file,
* i.descr AS img_caption,
* FROM tblnews n
* LEFT JOIN tblusers u
* ON n.fkcreated_by = u.pkuserID
* LEFT JOIN tblnews_images i
* ON i.fknewsID = n.pknewsID
* n.pknewsID = 6 AND
* n.published = 1



So the question I have is, does it really matter how the SQL query is sent? I mean, if I put it all on one line (which would kinda suck as it is harder for me to read then), would it speed up transactions significally?
Whitespace does take up more space and increase the network packet size, but I would prefer readability over trying to minimize whitespace. It does not adversely affect the parser.

If you are worried about packet sizes, use stored procedures since a proc name is shorter then a query or batch. Also, use parameterized queries in general since the server can efficiently cache them and avoid compiling the query. This would be a bigger performance savings in your case above.sql

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