Friday, March 9, 2012

Format Y axis label as percentage

I have entered the code as P0 when formatting my Y axis to show 0% to 100%. This showed me percent values as 0% to 10,000%. Then after reading the forums I put the major gridline interval as 0.2 to get jumps of 20% but this just puts a lot of lines on the chart as 0,0.2,0.4 till 10,000%.

How can i fix this one ..



Kiranvukkadala wrote:

I have entered the code as P0 when formatting my Y axis to show 0% to 100%. This showed me percent values as 0% to 10,000%. Then after reading the forums I put the major gridline interval as 0.2 to get jumps of 20% but this just puts a lot of lines on the chart as 0,0.2,0.4 till 10,000%.

How can i fix this one ..



Have you set the minimum value on the scale to zero and the maximum value on the scale of the Y-axis to 100?


Yes I have done so. I have tried removing that too

No luck


Possibly the issue is your data. What is the maximum value of your data? Have you divided this into your field?

For example, if you try to display change as a fraction of a dollar:

Then one penny should be 1% of a dollar. To get 1%, you take 1/100 = .01 (1%)

If you didn't divide by 100, however, then one penny would be 1.00 (100%).

A dime would be 1000% and so on.

One dollar would be BEHOLD 10000% (There's that 10000 percent).

Most likely you have just put the field as raw data, not as a percentage and expected the format expression to do the division for you.

Try dividing by 100!!!!


I have got a stacked chart and on the data fields I have put in 2 fields

% received and % latewhic combine together to give 100%.

The data points is actuallys et to give teh actual counts of these fields.

So would this count as raw data?

If I divide this percentage number by 100 it goes really small on the graph but the scale remains the same. How can I modify the scale.

I appreciate the time.



Oh I thought you were saying your data was going to 10,000%. Try changing your Y-scale to a minimum of zero and maximum of 1.


Thanks for the replies.

I have tried that possibility too. This option is successfull in creating the axis from 1% to 100% but the data itself goes wrong. There is no split between the received and late numbers and its either 100% received or 100% late. I dont know why it does that. My assumption is that since maximum value of 1 is specified only the first 1% of the data is displayed.


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