Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Format Substring in Textbox

I have a textbox that's several lines in height. I want to put several lines
of text in one textbox to get single spacing. I don't want to use multiple
textboxes, as I have to push multiple textboxes so close together it looks
like a mess.
In the first line below, I actually need the static text "Caller" to be bold
and underlined. I can't even get bold to work using this approach. Any
suggestions on how to get the word "Caller" to be bold and underlined,
leaving the rest as normal text?
=Format("Caller", Style.Bold)
& controlchars.Newline
& Fields!Salutation.Value
& " " & Fields!FirstName.Value
& " " & Fields!LastName.Value & controlchars.Newline
& Fields!EStreetNumber.Value & " " & Fields!EStreet.Value
RandyHello Randy,
Thank you for your posting!
Unfortunatly, the format will apply on the whole textbox control. You could
not make the first line have different style with other lines.
One workaround of this issue is to use some third-party RichText control
instead of the textbox control.
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Also, you could send your feedback to the product team.
Hope this information will be helpful and thank you for your understanding!
Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support
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