When I do not allow the textbox to grow and just append a long string of periods it looks fine in my report preview, but after I deploy everything appended after the primary field in that text box is missing?
My report has a lot of data to the right but it is collapsible so the fields to the left are a good distance away. This is why I am trying to include light visual aids that assist lining up data values. I am not stuck on the leading period idea but it seems the least cluttered.
Does anyone have any solutions for masking fields?|||
Hello Aaron,
Can you try something like this in your field's expression:
=StrDup(25 - len(Fields!FIELD1.Value), ".") & Fields!FIELD1.Value
The 25 in my example would have to be higher than the maximum number of characters in your FIELD1 field. This will fill the rest of space (up to 25 characters) on the left of the field with period's, it should be adjusted to fill the rest of your textbox.
Hope this helps.
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