Friday, February 24, 2012

Format DateTime attribute in AS 2005


I have an attribute a Time dimension which is of the datetime datatype. In the browser and in other tools, the displayed members are formatted like this:

dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss

I want to change this format. How is this done? The format property of the attribute in the dimension editor seems to have no effect... I tried "mm/dd/yyyy" and without quotes.

Thnx... Jeroen.

Hi Jeroen,

If you customize the date format to what you want in the regional settings in the control panel, and refresh the browser, you will get the format you wanted. I've tried this out and it works.



Hello Yan,

Thnx for your reply. I will try that. However, we want to implement a solution that's independent of the local user settings. For instance, we don't want the time displayed in this case. I figured this would be peanuts with AS 2005. Ofcourse, we can always do it in an extra column in the table or in the data source view.



|||these are the value to use instead of "dd/mm/yyyy"




Display a date and/or time. Display a date part as a short date. If there is a time part, display it as a long time. If present, both parts display.


Display a date using the long date format specified in your computer's regional settings.


Display a date using the short date format specified in your computer's regional settings.


Display a time using the time format specified in your computer's regional settings.


Display a time using the 24-hour format (hh:mm).


I am trying to solve the same problem.

So where do you need to set this property? I tried setting it in the NameColumn.Formatting property and in the Value.Nameformating property, but to no avail!


Please could you telll me where to set this constant value?

I'm have tried in the format property but it does not work.


Hello. I would recommend you to add a named calculation to your time dimension and use the TSQL-function CONVERT to transform your date to an appropriate format.

CONVERT(Char(10), GETDATE(), 112) will change a dateformat to '2007-05-25' (ISO-style)

You will find more information about this function in Books OnLine.


select Getdate(), Convert(Char(10),GetDate(), 112)

in a query in management studio on the database engine.


Thomas Ivarsson


Thank you. If you say that is the only solution, i will do so. But it will be very hard for me to add a named calculation to all date field in my data source view. I have about 50 date field and i was just wondering why it is not possible to set date format in the "format proterty field". The solution Mentionned by Yan is very interring for me, but it does not work. In fact, how to use VB code in AS projet?


I have used the following code in the Calculations tab of Cube Designer in BIDS to acheive the formating for calculated measure. You can try doing the same for dimensions - I guess it would work. Pl change the format string to appropriate one.

FORMAT_STRING([Measures].[MyDimName]) = "#,#;(#,#)";

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